Knowledge Base

Can I add my own speech commands to Amulet? PDF Print E-mail
Speech Recognition

Yes, Amulet allows advanced users to add custom speech commands which can issue spoken responses, queue up particular music or video clips, or even invoke external applications. For more information, see the Custom Commands section of the user manual.

Installation problems PDF Print E-mail

If you have not already done so, watch the Amulet Introduction video, via the Amulet menu strip on the Media Center Start menu, for a brief overview on how you can use your Voice Remote.

Video Organization PDF Print E-mail

Amulet classifies any visual media files as videos if it cannot identify them as either TV programs or movies.

Videos you record with your digital camera are classified as Home Movies, and collected together for easy browsing.

Use the commands in this section to quickly select videos for playback, or look through all your videos for a particular title.

Why do I get a random song when I skip to the next track? PDF Print E-mail

If Amulet appears to be choosing a random song when you say Next Track, check the Shuffle setting on the standard Media Center Music page - when Media Center's Shuffle option is enabled, Media Center chooses a random song in response to Next Track rather than playing songs in sequence.

Logo not lighting up at all PDF Print E-mail

Check the battery installation and place the remote on charge. See the installation section and the Amulet Remote Hardware video for guidance.

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